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Winstars Soccer Academy

Program Registration

There are 3 steps to register for any of our programs/events:

1. Contact Information: Fill in our Contact Info form (once per player per season) and keep our records up-to-date.
2. Payment: Click on the button (below) that corresponds to the program you wish to register in. You'll be taken to our secure payment page where you can pay with major credit cards or debit.
3. Player Profile Form to be filled in by new Players.

Make a Payment – Showcases, Tournaments and Banquets


3 Tournaments - April 10 – Woodbridge Showcase, FTF./Vaughan Showcase - April 25, Top Rated Showcase - May 16. Also includes OSA Player Registration for the outdoor season. Total Cost $650

Deposit $650 due now.



Family Day weekend – Saturday February 15, Sunday 16 and Monday 17th, we will go to U-Michigan and Notre Dame - $500 Deposit

Deposit $500 due now.


Family Day weekend – Saturday February 15, Sunday 16 and Monday 17th, we will go to U-Michigan and Notre Dame - $1000 Balance Owing



PDA Invitational Showcase 2024 – November 28, 29, 30 & December 1 - Balance - $850.00

Balance Due November 1, 2024 - $850.00



Make a Payment – Academy Program

Academy Fee – Winter/Spring

Fee: $2,850.00 (incl. HST)

Academy Fee – Monthly payment

Monthly payment: $495.00

Academy Fee – Twice Weekly

Monthly payment: $395.00

Make a Payment – Membership

One-Time Membership Fee

Fee: $1,500.00 (HST incl.)

Make a Payment – SAT Prep

SAT Test Prep Course (1st Time) ‐ 16 hrs

Fee: $500.00 (Incl HST)

SAT Test Prep Course (2nd Time) – 16 Hours

Fee: $350.00 (incl. HST)


University Placement

Cost is: $2995.


University Placement – Cost for services (KNSC) $500 Discount - $2495

Cost with discount $2495


Make a Donation to Winstars Soccer Academy

You can e-transfer to winstarssoccer@bellnet.ca or by credit card below. You will get a receipt for tax purposes. All Transactions are in Canadian Funds. Your Support is greatly appreciated!

Make a Donation: $100

Make a Donation: $250

Make a Donation: $500

Make a Donation: $1000

Make a Donation: $2500

MasterCard VISA Visa Debit Accepted

Our website is fully secure. Any information that you provide is protected by 256-bit SSL encryption. Click on the SSL Certificate icon (below) for verification.

For difficulties with registration please contact Winstars Support.

Register Now for our Programs
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